Basic transformers 24v

Basic transformers 24V fit for use for all Our 24V LED ribbons with. They work on/off the lights on and turn off and are also the right choice if you want to control LED strips with wireless dimensions like this Rf wifi with a dimmer set or other with wireless rf wifi dimensions or Easy rf with dimments. If you want to dim your 24V LED tapes with a traditional fixed wall dimension, select Triac dimmable power supply.

LED Choosing a standard voltage source

You can calculate the standard voltage source of the appropriate power by telling you LED-tape watit in length, that is, if LED strip It is 12W/meter 24V and the installation is 3m and 12W/m x 3m = 36W. Always choose about 20-30% higher standard voltage source, in this case 36W -> 50W 24V standard voltage source If you do not find a suitable model or have any questions, then feel free to put in an inquiry in chat or